1/2/21: The Greatest Reset
Keys of the Kingdom - Podcast autorstwa Brother Gregory

Relating today's world to kingdom of God; "world" confusion; Noah's days; Death by lack of knowledge; Irresponsible reporting; Disaster of panic; Focusing on symptoms instead of the problem; Vaccination blackmail; The Great Reset; World Economic Forum; Christ's book; Ekklesia; Elders; Faulty preconceived notions; Patriarchal system of families; Apostles waiting on tables; Early church's function; Your lack of vision; The Way of Christ; Temples of the world; Who cares about Romans?; The Greatest Reset; Making the word of God to effect; Public vs Pure religion; "catholic"; Do not be deceived; "Building back"; Exposing "them"; Boxcar loaders; Bishop letter to Trump; How we conform to Christ; Who appoints elders?; Seven men; What is the solution; New normal traditions; "No jab, no job"; Your salvation is doing what Christ said!; Your life and soul depends on it; The job of the church; "Spotted" religion; Historical fornication and marriage; Righteousness of God in the Early church; What Christ wants you to do; Marriage recordings; Who's your father?; Our strong delusion; Slothful under tribute; Cursing our children; World religion; Trusts within trusts; Federal reserve systems; Modern church in conflict with Christ; 10-family congregations; The falling away of Christians; Carlo Maria Vagano's letter to Trump; True Church?; From the government here to help; Sabbath; Fathers of the Earth; Office of The Church; Organized communities of evil; Why we gather; Modern Churches not doing their job; Love righteousness.