1/21/12: Free Dominion and Worship
Keys of the Kingdom - Podcast autorstwa Brother Gregory

Ethan Allen, William the Conqueror, Fountainheads of Justice, William Pitt, Who owns your home?, Why to repent, How to repent, From what to repent, "I paid in!" - not, Democracy within a Republic, To whom do you give power?, Corban of today, Ineptocracy, Can't vote out immorality, Sin of Sodom and Gomorrah - today, Unrighteous mammon, "Worship" defined, Ruling by consent, Understanding the fullness of the gospel, Choosing rulers - don't do it, Long-distance congregations, Artificial (virtual) communities, God-given dominion - trust, The government of, for, and by the people, Kingdom appointed, Where to begin?, Helping others find the kingdom, The inexhaustible source, Golden calf, People declared enemies of the state, Not those that say (sing, wave) Lord, Lord, but those that DO, Killing Charity, Herod's Temples, Covet nothing, Seek the Kingdom and righteousness, Saul's (first) sin, Christ was "king" in reality, Shake off your damnable heresies, Repent, BE the government of God, Fractional reserves, Through coveteousness you have been made merchandise (Human Resources), Keeping the commandments, How to reclaim dominion, The gospel is simple, If you do not choose Christ - you are anti-Christ, Peculiar people, Knowing your neighbor is love, Anyone/Any nation can repent, GMO dangers, Am I "saved"?, Altars of living stones, Stop hiding with Adam!, Admit your failings - then can move forward, Opportunities to forgive, Nicolaitans, Why God won't hear you, Turning your nation around, Righteous mammon, Don't be afraid, Bigscreen TVs vs Feeding Sheep, Titular leaders only, God DID NOT create the governments of men, Strengthing the poor, Kingdom of God does not come by observation, but by DOing, Sacraficing your pride.