1/23/16: The Path to Liberty

Keys of the Kingdom - Podcast autorstwa Brother Gregory

Making Christ alive in your daily life, The *name* of Christ, Modern Christians doing the opposite, The Roman Cult, Psy Ops, "Made Men", Walking with God, Forgiving the anger, The Dark Side, You need the Whole Truth and to provide for it, Sheep and Shepherds, What is a "god"?, Strong delusion is here, Slaves in America, Truth is not a popular message, The "shipwreck" analogy, Direction = character of Christ, Greg Walden quotes, Being loyal to righteousness, Digging deep to find facts, No mercy for the Hammonds, Sitting in Moses' seat, God wants you to have what you want, The Constitution is not your salvation, Rights and Responsibilities, Phylactories, Pure Republics, The Fathers of the Earth, Democracy and mob rule, The sin of public schools, Feeling good about your sin = Modern Church, Do you want to live by righteousness?, Thomas Jefferson days, Socialism destroying society, Democratic Socialists won WWII - FDR and Hitler, No Hue and Cry, Someone else's job, Seeking DOers, Loving others as yourself, Stop trying to be masters!, Christ is the way, truth, and life, Letting God into your heart, Who are the "gods many"?, Men who are not men, Real righteousness, Examples of court injustice, Calling good evil, Doing no more ought for your parents, Judicial stupidity, Your fault!, The cost of prison, Christ's justice system, The kingdom of hell, Welfare vs Work, Biting neighbor bites back, Join the Living Network.

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