1/23/21: Heaven vs Heaven
Keys of the Kingdom - Podcast autorstwa Brother Gregory

"Covenants of the gods" chapter 6; Only Matthew uses Kingdom of "Heaven"; Mt 4:17 = Mk 1:14; Mt 6:10 Do the will of God if you want to be in kingdom of Heaven; Revelation vs Intellectual pursuit; The sin of Adam (and us); How to get God to hear your prayer; God's government here and now; How we know we're saved; Mt 16:19 one key to the kingdom; Miraculous intervention; MT 18:18; Heaven vs Earth; Our dominion and fall; Hiding from the truth; Giving life as God does; Heaven = spiritual realm, Earth = physical realm; Kingdom of Heaven "at hand"; Heaven in Renaissance paintings; Clouds?; War in "Heaven"?; Angels = messengers; Beware taking metaphors too far; "Bad guys" missing some aspect; Evil afoot; gods many seeking offices of power; Evil knows God's will, just won't do it; You need God; Divine right of kings?; Ex 23:5; "Hating" God?; Paul's lists of what NOT to do; Lucifer's fall; Calling "evil" "good"; Samuel's warning; Beasts and images; The sin of Sodom and Gomorrah; Ex 33:2; Sackcloth metaphor; Is 13:5; Understanding principles behind images; Talents - how we (ab)use them; Power corrupts; God's indignation built into the system; Charity vs Force; Many was to be "dead"; Acts 12:23; Knowing God's will by revelation; Jacob's ladder; Busy angels influencing Earthly events; Nu 22:23; Balaam and Nicolaitans; Jude 1:6; Dressing and Keeping; The goal of the adversary; Dominion on condition; Subtlety of evil; Man over man?; Wycliffe bible introduction; Individual dominion; Private property?; Despising dominion; 2 Pe 2 - False prophets; Pernicious ways; Human resources; Seeing yourself in this picture; Bondage of Egypt; The direct commands of Christ; Pure Religion; Living at the expense of the state; Heaven = being one with God; Isa 9:6; Kingdom "at hand"; What is His will?; Setting your neighbor free; Beatitudes; Which "father" do you pray to?; "Numbering" people; Pilate's trial of Jesus; Perfect law of liberty; Tithing; Christ is revolutionary; Repenting for righteousness.