1/25/14: Layers
Keys of the Kingdom - Podcast autorstwa Brother Gregory

"Higher" and "lower" in KoG; Takes effort; "Church in general"; Christ's doctrines (it's His church); How going to figure parables/mysteries; Thousands came to Christ... until told what He really meant; Eating at table of rulers (presidents, kings, queen, prime minister, et al); Christ's system of "You pay your way"; Charity requires freewill offerings; "Accustom to trampling on the rights of others..."; Core philosophy of both parties; Barry, the homeless guy; "All the gold in China"; Both parties going in same direction; "Corvee," like what done during '30's depression; We belong to them; "… who gives employment ... is my master … call him what I will"; Do what Christ said; " 'EMPLOYEES' See 'Master and Servant' "; "...not so much by the elevation of former slaves..."; Forcing men to work without full benefit of his labor...; "Fracking" nature of modern-churches; Foe to the armies of Pharaoh; Wow, real Christians!; Process of gathering... like mining gold; Start moving now; We made the error; Key element; Panning in local mountains... of people; Many layers to this; From beginning of our dominion on planet...; No end to what can be done if we...; We can help each other; What Paul was attempting to say; Obviously something else; Church should talk government; Very easy to fiddle with Hebrew; By revelation – not in book, but in us; What God also prohibits; Sacrifices, and national adultery; Jehovah Witnesses encounter; When party providing benefits has incurred debt; There is a way out...; Social contracts described/explained; If you love the truth; Agreements almost everybody's made; Parents, in natural law, can sell you (and many of us have been so sold); More than serfs during worst of Czarist Russia; Giving history so can understand/relate to bible; This system will fail; Until then...