1/25/20: Parental Rights

Keys of the Kingdom - Podcast autorstwa Brother Gregory

Kingdom within triggers activity; Seek kingdom in the present; Prophecies given by Christ; Christ teaching the same as Moses; Divorce; Patterns of addiction; Prescribed psychotropic drugs to children; Addressing trauma; Corona virus; Polio; Herd immunity; Salvation in vaccines?; Diabetic child story; Empowerment to combat fear/anger; Releasing trauma; Seeking kingdom = seeking truth and loving righteousness; Grizzly story; Ministering to neighbors; Scapegoat analogy; Levaquin deaths; False salvations; "Church" avoidance; Delusional idolatry; "Life and Faith" novel; National purging; Willingness to see truth about ourself; Getting you to commit evil; Religion of socialism; How to use the "rod"?; Turning a blind eye to corruption; Killing millions!; Rewarding bad behavior; Christians: Caring by charity; What a world this could be; Changing governments; Mental compulsions like kleptomania; What's darkening your heart?; Rules of violence; Absence of unrighteousness is not righteousness; Christ's path to righteousness; Parental rights termination story; Better strategies; Orphanage statistics; Valuing family; What's our role?; Republics vs Democracy; David Crockett article; Making America great again; Fourth branch of government; 1909 White House council on children; Community funding of "public" schools; FDR New Deal; Social Security 1935; LBJ War on Poverty; Progressive weakening; Appetite for benefits; Soul solution; Birth certificates; Funding by conquered people; Walking in forgiveness; How the Church can help you help others; The road to freedom; Can righteousness be your motivation?; "benefits" of Christ's Way; Seeing the whole picture.

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