1/26/13: Harbingers
Keys of the Kingdom - Podcast autorstwa Brother Gregory

"The Harbinger", the book; Millions in US breadlines... TODAY; Copy/paste, copy/paste...; Self-justification vs actual righteousness; Why/how we become what we say we hate (but can't see it); Statements of vain men (then, and now); Back to where God wants us; Potential distractions; Clay and stone altars; Nebo gods; Watchmen on the wall; Living by the sword; "Presto-bingo!"; Year of Jubilee; 9/11, and another "huge crash"; Long time since true capitalism in US; We bricks have fallen; Heading back on an individual basis (with others); Listening to God; Lack of HS operating in individuals; Want more? Give more.; "With anyone you can find (who will repent)"; Kidneys of a lamb; Just like any other government, except...; "Efficiently. Fervently, Reverently. Righteously."; All you have to do...; Spiritual realm choices/physical realm fruit; Regulates the "heaven" out of you; Influenced by how much you know; Context of life, history and times of those who wrote; The great bible cover-up (you may be surprised at how, and with what!); Everybody can see righteousness if...; "'Bricks' of Lebanon"; Somebody other than yourself; "A whole lot better than a bag of beans – guaranteed!"; Devil doesn't care if you hate him; A dark "hate" (that cockroaches thrive in) and a light hate (from which they run!); Reflecting – in the negative; "Orders of right"; Lots of love, patience, and forgiveness; Guns? Yes – but only in hands of government!?; Hanging on a cross doesn't "feel good"; Reaching out/coming together for the good of others; 1st base... first; Don't want you to starve, but....