1/27/18: Shadows of the Mind
Keys of the Kingdom - Podcast autorstwa Brother Gregory

"god" in Old and New testament, Deciding good and evil, Contracts with the United States, Universal laws, You're impaired condition, Doing due diligence, Not given to private interpretation, Leeks and onions?, Jordan Peterson vs Kathy Newman, Binding demons, "The devil made me" is not allowed, Our fallen nature, Things that just ain't so, Greek "law", Stop going to Pharisees to understand Old Testament, Essenes, Merchants of men, Minds stuck in darkness, Men carrying water?, Rewiring the mind, Capgras, The power of humility, Animus possession, Seeing with spiritual eyes, Living contrary to the decrees of Caesar, 1 Cor 6:12, Seeking means doing, The kingdom network, Lawful?, Expedient?, What power?, How you went under the power of others, How to be free, Collective unconsciousness, Usurping God, How to congregate, THE doctrine, Weeping for ancient ways, Addictions to sin, Facing your demons, Jung and Freud and consciousness, Forgiving trauma, Lighting the shadows, Christ's flocks, Natural leaders - natural followers, The job of minister, Seeing the truth, Improving yourself 12 ways, Compare you to you.