1/4/20: Philippians 2

Keys of the Kingdom - Podcast autorstwa Brother Gregory

Christ's specific commands to DO; Disturbing news; True "worship" is homage; Are you merely saying Lord, Lord?; God doesn't need your praise; Feelings of fellowship - mafia and gangs; Progression of single-parent families; Socialist incentives for broken families; Counter to natural ways; Protestant revolution; Paul's lists of non-inheritors; Who knows what Christ actually said?; Overcoming translational problems; Mistaking emotional for spiritual; Identifying true ministers of Christ; Loving Jesus; Fulfilling "love God" by "loving neighbor"; Are you breathing Holy Spirit?; How to know your faith is real?; love = charity; What worshipping Christ looks like; Learning the ways of the kingdom; Taxation is justice for sloth/covetousness; Modern Church promotes covetousness; Strong delusion; Surrendering false doctrines; Beginning repentance; No argument against the truth; Righteous worship of Christ; Darkness is absence of light - like vacuum; Blame game; We aren't the comforter; Church shooting in Texas; Gun rights; Biblical constitutions; "Many" workers of iniquity/unrighteousness; Individual salvation; Cursing children with debt; Recap Philippians 1; Armed ministers; Alamo; Real Church operates by love; "Bishops", "Deacons" and "Elders"; Opening your heart's door to the Holy Spirit; 1:27 Conversation = citizen managing state; Jesus king and high priest; Binding by love; Dying the little death; We want you to hear from Holy Spirit; Avoiding debt; Seeing yourself; No life without sacrifice; Christ the servant made himself poor; Your sloth created today's government; Be humble; Working out your salvation; Paul's audience; Amish example; Justin writing Antonius Pius; Modern church apostasy; Early Church action; Draining the swamp?; Doing good; Avoid murmuring; Thankful for opportunity of giving; Righteous rebuking; How crazy are you?; Are you shining lights in the world?; The "state" of freedom; "liturgy" = public service; Allegiance to ways of Christ; Hard to find ministers of service; Letters of credence; Kingdom offices of service; Brethren of Christ = saints; Minister suffering that you might be free; Tens of thousands of Christians apart from world government; "President"; Church is another form of government; Things to ask your pastor; Responsibilities of ministers; Emperors taking oaths; Seek the kingdom!

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