1/4/20: Philippians 3
Keys of the Kingdom - Podcast autorstwa Brother Gregory

Philippi history; Roman evolution; Emperor = 3 elected offices; Armed revoultion an absolute disaster; Look up Polybius; Skills to accomplish free government; Fourth branch of government; exousia; Is Church a government?; Anarchy; Addressing your questions; Liturgy; Christ set followers free; "Rhomaios"; The Higher Liberty; Spoiling your republic; What is "worship"?; Can you be a minutman?; Or slothful in ways of the kingdom?; What you've been missing; Getting your rights back; Messianic issues; Altars and tithing; Why are you under tribute?; What the bible's all about; Righteous coffee; Sabbath meaning; Being perfect; Intersectionality heirarchy; Early Church sharing; Zombies now!; Bearing true witness; Enemies of the cross of Christ; Conversation in Heaven; THE problem; Freedom is not for the lazy; "Heaven".