1/5/13: The Word of God

Keys of the Kingdom - Podcast autorstwa Brother Gregory

Bible over past 1000/yrs; Look up word meanings; Witness of what "I" see; Bible's 'bout government?; Annual ante; Showing your love; The right (and responsibility) to bear arms; "Corvee" presented as "Corban"; Deceitful benefits; Snared again; "That ye"; "Partakers" meaning (Oh, that's what that means!); Build the boat – first; Public dole; 666; Truth and life; The good news; "Doeth"; Where treasure's laid up; The beast; Finding Utopia; Where's your heart (follow the money); It gonna take a miracle; Gathering/gleaning to benefit others; Doing something different; Why you think scripture's encrypted; Greedy for gain/comfort; Stand!; In earnest; The little ones; "Provide for it"; It's a battlefield; A "step-back" look at the world; Supporting your congregation (and congregation of congregations); "What's in it for me?"; Seeking purpose of Jesus; Greater power; Learned to walk in a day (on level ground); Intent on service; Zombies don't eat zombies!; Intentional, alternative society; Strive; Don't have to wait; Getting busy(ier); No escape to other countries; International community network; A look at the faith we claim; Any with ears...; In the belly/out of the heart; Believers (in the ways of God); Calm the wind/heal the lame; Mutual assurance; Intimate congregations of 10; Negotiating med bills; Fullness of the gospel, and "alternative" healing; Freewill offerings – alone; Living altars of stone; Eyes that have not seen and yet can see it; Where you pray.

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