1/6/18: Christ Commanded
Keys of the Kingdom - Podcast autorstwa Brother Gregory

Are you peculiar?, Christ the Anarchist, says Mark Passio, God allows man's government, Choosing rulers = giving away your right to choose, Samuel's warnings, God's safeguards, US Constitution not biblical, Liberty is accepting responsibility, Slavery or Voluntary Servitude?, Yes, you signed the social contract, Christ's plan can still save you, Natural Law explained, Joseph and Egypt, Jews: The first Christians, Anarchy and Statism, Rights and States, The pirate example, Organized religion, Two religions, "Feed My sheep", The Christian Conflict, The Lord's Prayer, Corvee systems, Passport agreement, 42 USC 666, Today's temples, Vegans eating meat with blood in it, Golden Calves, Responsibility to Christ's weightier matters, Waiting on tables, Good and bad governments, Are you an asset "of" or "to" your government?, Evidence against you, Christ's "Command", Loaves and fishes, Separation of powers, Only 1 denomination, How to organize, Why "7 men"?, Don't keep feeding pigs, Righteous caring, Metaphors and allegories, How God's kingdom works, The wedding feast and garments, Removing your eye-scales, Your father whose table you eat at, The Corban story, What is stopping you from following Christ's command?, Christ's policies, Christ's network, You can't just "say" Lord, Lord, Are you humble?, Do your feet need washing?, Christ or Constantine?, Righteousness or Tribute?, Individual journey we make together.