1/9/21: A Kingdom Out of This World

Keys of the Kingdom - Podcast autorstwa Brother Gregory

Facebook purge; Walkaway movement; Snowden's sins; Order followers; Campaign finance reform in Oregon; Accepting lies; Wolves creeping in; The gospel puzzle; Loving to give life; Capitol invasion; Hearing both sides; Election tampering?; George Floyd perspective; Trump's alleged incitement; Governmental corruption; Courting evil; Who's investigating?; Creating fear and confusion; Demonic evil; Receiving the Holy Spirit; Double standards; Equality Act of 2019; Gender dysphoria; Withholding condemnation; Legislating morality?; Catering to delusion; Rationalization; COVID vaccine; Why emptying prisons?; The asylum state; Emotion vs reason; Fearing the Holy Spirit; Early Church mission; Nero's fire; Evil can't kill real Christians; Church exclusion.

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