10/1/11: Charity Continues
Keys of the Kingdom - Podcast autorstwa Brother Gregory

The Gospel of the Kingdom is SO simple, Love God, Love your Neighbor as yourself, Return every man to his posessions and family, Family = first government under God, Conduits for the Holy Spirit, Spiritual Vampires, Sacraficial Prayer, What a free society looks like, The world upside down, Government of the people, by the people, for the people, The fall of the "early" church, What is the kingdom of God?, Who loves Christ?, What is righteousness?, Biblical punishment, Forgiveness, The "weightier" matters, Patriots?, Prayer, How do you know you've "accepted" Christ?, And your minister?, Ear-tickler or rear-kicker?, Our voice crying in the wilderness, Fall of Jerusalem 70AD, Where did they go?, Purposes for the Feasts, Teaching men to fish, Why so few DOers?, Universal Health Care - in Rome?, Ezekiel's Dry Bones, Princes of Israel, Why do you go to church?, Retiring?, My prayer, Red Heifers, To whom do you go to save you from your problems?, Amish, Going to feast vs celebrating feasts, Intellectual choice vs Spiritual choice, Be still and know, How?