10/10/20: Hosea 9-11
Keys of the Kingdom - Podcast autorstwa Brother Gregory

Hosea: Minor prophet told to marry a harlot; How relate to us today; Hosea 9 review; "reward" - aleph tav nun nun; Threshing floor; Tav = faith: links unseen spirit world to physical; Separate kingdom of Israel/Ephriam and Judah king followers; Pilate's official declaration - "King of the Jews" recognition; Idiotes (unregistered) followers of Christ; Sacrifice - delusion first; Church v man's government; The road of prophecy; Communist manifesto; Private property?; Use tax and legal title; Mask shaming; Minister Steve Smothermon; What made America great; Hosea's "reward" = NT "wages of unrighteousness"; Balaam = Nicolaitan; Lady Godiva; British oath of fealty; Pure Religion; Patron saint of architects; Drawing near to God; Force is foolishness; Militias; Hosea's "Assyria"; Covetous practices; Compromise; Closing door to kingdom of heaven; Delusion of thinking you know God; Christ's solution - become the benefit for your neighbor; Shared message of the prophets; Getting back to freedom under God; Love = Charity; Networking in the bible; Beware returning to the bondage of Egypt; Funeral story; Suicide; Visiting Trauma; Dealing with it; Recognizing socialism; Perfecting savagery; Hosea 10 and federal reserve; Divided hearts and minds; Foolish virgin; Learning the ways of Christ; Developing eyes of Christ; Christian courage; Golden calf (of Bethaven); Repenting of the ways of the world; Altars as systems of welfare; The origin of the blood; Tares; Seeking spiritual meaning; Tricking you from your responsibility; God's warnings of choosing a king; No king but Jesus?; Evidence; Making covenants with worldly gods; Hosea 11; Remaining involved; Ear tickling churches; Trading Egypt for Assyria; God's grief at man's folly; Graven images signed by our own hands; Your sacrifice do draw near God; Rev 2:6; Separating you from God; 2 Peter 2:18; What we are missing; Opening the door to the kingdom of Heaven; Heaven vs Hell; BLM Religion; Giving life meaning.