10/12/13: An Unusual Epistle

Keys of the Kingdom - Podcast autorstwa Brother Gregory

Understanding meaning of words in mind of the author; How we do social welfare; Our religion, ourselves; "Freewill" – so many times in OT; A different kind of society; Truth of Lady Godiva; "Church" today (for most [surprising]); "New Zealand is so great"; What Sabbath's all about; Still short of volunteers; Elders of Families – the FaithEmergency MinistryAuxiliary of The Living Network; Service of the tents/tabernacles; Health, education, and welfare through faith, hope, and charity; What are our ministers doing?; What we get to do; Official doctrine of Church on heaven/hell; What makes one "saved"; Let's talk practical things/spirit of Christ; Requirement – stated by Jesus – to be His disciple; Gather to serve one another; Does good only when put into action; If you say you believe in Christ; "World" in the NT (most of the time); There has to be a separation – where ministers pray for their daily bread; Download the books – free (but have to seek to find 'em); Where to look for teaching, health, etc.; Gathering and getting active within local groups; Choose your side of the equation; "Prodigal Son" account – expanded upon; In direction of faith, hope, charity based society; Know whether you have Jesus' spirit; How we curse the children; Can have both a King (Jesus) and another leader?; What means, "Denying the Lord"?; In the right direction/the way of God; Doesn't happen overnight; Unless we have charity... ; KoG is "learn by doing"; Dominion and responsibility; Purpose of "Church"; Teach at home(school) as OT says; IF; "Wages (benefits) of sin/unrighteousness" examples; Jesus said it. Repeat it. That simple; Repent. Turn around. Join-in in The Living Network.

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