10/13/12: Liberty
Keys of the Kingdom - Podcast autorstwa Brother Gregory

Establishing governments; Nearly zero welfare, yet still demanding tithes?; Rome; Appearances; "Lifting up hands"; Keeping the commandments; What is/is not love; "Turning around" looks like...; Patience and liberty; When it's your time; Liberty under God; σπούδασον!; Saved by grace?; What to do; Ministers many; Gathering and caring; Comfortable?; Duality of governments; Problems w/government begins...; Changing (doing); Many mentions; Flame that does not consume; The roof; Progressive lines; Lost sheep seeking the fold; "Liberty" a choice; Talking government and taxes in church – huh???; Elect (to follow) Christ; Trying to get the first grass; Ways to start; Connecting networks; Families; No diminished rights; Garden planting example; Gathering w/mind of, and guided by, Christ; Dancing the dance; Taking back; Before baptism; Sons and daughters; Carob and honey; Vipers; Fruits – by another way; The important thing; Behind the curtain look at Boaz and Ruth, and related matters of law; "Power mad!"; Freewill choice; Patrick Henry quote; "Justice" as relating to gathering and agreements; Fact and law; Repeating things; Repeating things; Terror and anguish; Thomas Paine's "Common Sense"; Walking straight; "Cities of refuge" were...; No other salvation; Seek, do, and be; Softball sized brains; Figure it out; Power to give vs power to take; Turn, and seek; God's intervention; Will you be heard; The Way back, together; God's waiting for us to...; Whenever shown something...; Back to your tents.