10/15/11: Johnson Amendment

Keys of the Kingdom - Podcast autorstwa Brother Gregory

501c(3) Churches vs Kingdom of God, NO Exercising Authority, Perfect Law of Liberty, Satan = force, Ekklesia = Called out of the "state", Social Welfare based on Faith, Hope, and Charity, Fall Festivals, The 4th branch of government, Swearing, Culture of fear/protection, US Citizens, Federal Government is your "daddy", Under God vs Under the Constitution, Law of Nature = Divine Will, Contract law, Christ's Weightier Matters, The Bible in context, Epistles talking to those already "out" of the system, 1 John 4:4, Temple of Saturn, Pax Romana - policing the world, Temple at Ephesus = world bank, You think you're persecuted?, Was Jesus Christ king of Judea? Pilate said YES, Loving neighbor is not forcing neighbor, Jesus said DOers - not just believers, Cannot be Christian and Socialist, Malcolm X, Taking back responsibilities, Elders, Song of Moses and of the Lamb, Church incorporation, IRS Recognition, The "rock" the Church is built upon, Paul Revere, Minutemen for Christ, Making underwear for the Levites, Jubilee, His Church Credit Union, Why keep the sabbath?, Raw Milk, Called out = not involved with "world", Ron Paul the answer?, Tending God's property, First commandment - dress it and keep it, Standing in Righteousness, Feeding the sheep, Abraham's children.

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