10/19/13: Judges

Keys of the Kingdom - Podcast autorstwa Brother Gregory

Not "at" His Holy Church; Meddled with, and metaphors; Clay and stone altars; Rancher goes out of business ("no wonder"); We've done it again!; All religions; "Church" doctrinal statements are missing...; "You keep using that word"; "Muddy roads" illustration; Power of Jury Nullification; How they can guarantee benefits; Depends on what you mean by "die"; Early-Christians accused of "contumacy"; Healthy to realize we can be fooled; The Early-Christian conflict; Reading ancient documents with modern dictionary definitions?; Augustus Caesar, or "Augustus" Jesus; … and all we heard about was the haircut!; George Washington – first to be hailed in US by same rank of God (What!); "Above all else..."; "Unspotted"; What doesn't save; This irked the Pharisees sooo bad; Once you understand the purpose of the altars...; What means, "Ye are all gods"; "Repent Ye" (from what?); Let's get a divine strategy; Orcs and goblins outnumber us; Can hardly survive without oaths today; Only works for charitable people; The foundation of society; Minister scribes, their witness, and determination letter uses; The "templum"; "Worship" – a fuller meaning (quite different); What if someone was a real Christian; "Gods many" duty/function/purpose, and examples of the strong delusion (and the solution); What makes us stronger; The core of what John the Baptist and Christ taught; One's character determines their fate(?); Moral principal example of religious values; Repentance "how to"; The network we're forming; "Seeming anti-social behavior of Christian martyrs"; What we're talking about here; Come strive with us.

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