10/20/12: Adversaries
Keys of the Kingdom - Podcast autorstwa Brother Gregory

Iconoclastic; Understanding inspired authors; OT claimants over the world and history; Modern City-States; Wars in heaven/Peace in hell; Battling against conformity; Vast changes; Everything as usual; Shifts happen; What Abraham taught; Treasure of governments; None left behind; Paul Revere, lost?; Most common form of government; Hearts and minds; The warrior against God; Opposing, provoking, etc.; More power/corruption; Lincoln, and the draft; Serving neighbors; Grievous errors; The five basic precepts for Kings; Under whose authority; 1st time in recorded history; A certain Way; The Shew bread and the Eucharist; Love of others/God's Way; Forms of Godliness; War on The Way; Metaphysical reasons; Slightly different perspectives, but...; Progression of Socialism; Accompanied along The Way; Adversarial relationships; That spirit, in us; Seduced away; The spiritual reality that's needed; Where real choice is made; Since Egypt; The divine revelation paradox, the spark of knowing, and going on from there; A kingdom of authority - and volunteerism; Cosmic, quantum effects; The Way (to resist); Hidden knowledge... that you're hiding from; Test of wisdom and patience; Lk 8:30; Out of love; Brains as hockey pucks; The Way around the tree of knowledge; Release from bondage (of knowledge); Need for questioning from the righteousness of Christ; Accepting Christ's plow; How shadows form in our minds; About your neighbors next door and down the street; Collective consciousness and unconsciousness; Militant head; A cord short of an essential missing characteristic; The Song of Moses and The Lamb; Supra-natural; Sacrificial service-stance.