10/21/17: Prior Rights

Keys of the Kingdom - Podcast autorstwa Brother Gregory

Ben Shapiro clip, Social network outside of government, Sounds like Church, Modern Christians acting anti-Christ, Communist Manifesto, Is the IRS your Bishop?, Empowering ministers, Pure Religion, Alternatives to the world, Christians network, Family-based networking, Voluntary, USGAO - by 2019 every child will work 90% of life paying off debt, Peter's warning, Changing direction, The Coercive Church, Asking government to be our father, Right of parents to educate children, Home Schooling banned in much of Europe, United Nations Human Rights Conventions, Prior Right to choose, Waiving rights by your actions, Abortion, Symptoms of societal problems, Treating the problem, Israelites choosing bondage, Christ the capitalist, Purpose of the Church, Are you turning your neighbors into bread?, Learning from doers, Set your neighbor free, Losing prior rights, The "census" at Christ's birth, "Does your master pay the tax?", Drawing near God, Forgiveness is not automatic, Christ preached action, Preparing for the future together, To Kill a Mockingbird, Twelve Angry Men, Modern Church myths, Falling away, Divorce, Examining failure, Original Sin, The "name" of Christ, Letting down your ego, Washing feet, Enduring until the end, ICS, Doing as the Holy Spirit guides, Forgiveness releases burden, Forgiveness begets forgiveness, Loving the ones you're with, Participating in Congregation, Seek Kingdom - not comfort, Holy Spirit is comfort enough, Come to serve, Turning up the light of the Holy Spirit, Seduced from enduring, Extending care, Matt 3:17, Have faith - Charity works, Who will DO?

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