10/22/11: You Shall Know Them...

Keys of the Kingdom - Podcast autorstwa Brother Gregory

Overthrowing tyrants, Keeping the Sabbath, The devil's job, The "Way", "Israel" defined, Israel (UN Protectorate) = posers, Your inner compass, Key survival skills, Forgiveness, Iron sharpening iron, Humility, All about DOing, YOU are the treasure of the kingdom, Freedom of choice, Becoming One Body, Seed Saving, Dairy animals and sheep, Focus on nutrition, "Because we love our neighbor", Prayer, False love vs Christ's love, Gene Sharp - "Dictators to Democracy", vs The Higher Liberty?, No "founding fathers" were pro-Democracy, Karl Marx is first in history, US was never a republic, 1927 - Military condemned "Democracy", 1945 - Military fought for "Democracy", Kingdom precept = buddy system times ten, Government of men = rejection of God, Beginning = "Seek ye first", End = "Come out", Read the instructions, God's kingdom IS at hand - seek it, Show your neighbor, Tree of Knowledge vs Tree of Life, Where is hope?, Kingdom Economics, Precepts of the Sabbath, Rest vs Worship, Setting the table of the Lord, Self Interest vs Righteousness, Capitalism, Usury, Slavery today, Repent from your inner despot, Kingdom witnesses, Helping with unbelief, Rebuilding the Kingdom of Heaven, Give so you learn to give, Make no covenants, Gold/Silver as cash, To whom is "the debt" owed?, Dressing and keeping it, Research HisHolyChurch.org, Living stones build the temple, Connecting dry bones, The devil's plan, Invitation to sacrifice, DOing more, Set the whole world free, Ron Paul, Remember Righteousness, Giving up life to have life more abundantly.

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