10/26/13: Modern Christians

Keys of the Kingdom - Podcast autorstwa Brother Gregory

"Because that's what Christ told us to do"; King Herod goes the way of King Saul; Can we even imagine providing through love (charity) alone; A dentist, and the medical society of Rome; What they don't want you to know in history class; Broken bones, comfrey leaves, faith and healing (oh my!); Give and forgive to be forgiven and given unto; We want you to understand the GoK; Paul is hard to understand... or not; There's always a counterfeit; They did the same thing 2000 yrs ago; If we're off the path...; Feeling "sorry" vs Repentance (huge difference); What's the other way?; How you know they were in bondage in Egypt; What means, "might be saved"?; "Common among real Christians"; What means, " 'unspotted' from the world"?; Our children born in interest bearing debt?; Look-up "one purse" in bible; Prodigal Son's father; How can we say, "I love" if we …, or …, etc.; Did Jesus owe the tax; "Unbeliever" means...; "Oil countries" in debt too!; FDR and Hitler...; History's repeating; Socialism is Zombie-ism is Socialism; What we call the "Corban of the Pharisees" today; Jesus said, "Call no man 'P a t r e' "... not "Call no man 'f-a-t-h-e-r' "; Token giving vs Christ's Church; Pay owed taxes; One sea... two boats; "Covet means" vs "love alone"; Won't do enough, but gotta start doing; You know it's the real Christ (or not) when...; Faith/probity (conviction); Who do voodoo vs real healing; " 'Hell' of a thing"; Number in your head or in hand; How gonna get help; Remember the ant; Jesus VS Paul(???!); Worshiping images... of Christ?; What is "unrighteousness"; No socialism in early America; Life is work, work is life; Who would repent and live the law of liberty... if someone told them.

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