10/28/17: A Message to Chuck Baldwin

Keys of the Kingdom - Podcast autorstwa Brother Gregory

Making straight the way of the Lord, Acceptance can take time, Not everyone will get this, Strong Delusion, Come willing to look at our information, Chuck Baldwin's Romans 13 understanding better than most preachers, Addressing disagreements, "Done with NFL" article, Reds vs Blues, Free bread and circuses, Making the word of God to none effect, Quoting Polybius, The National Anthem, Maintaining a pure republic, Nazi = National Socilist, Calling no man "patri", Chuck's recanting of Israel position, The place where God prevails, People choosing to be ruled, Symptoms of rejecting God, Truth-preaching is a struggle, Babylon = mighty provider instead of the Lord, 4th amendment rights, Taking benefits waives rights, Constitution is not our salvation, Christ's plan, Providing for the needy, Becoming a peculiar people, What is "grace"?, Force is anti-Christ, The Gospel Christ preached, Mission of the Church, Explaining Anarchy, Corban and the Jerusalem Aquaduct, Antifa is not Anarchy, Christ and His Kingdom at hand, Biblical Constitutions, The Amish and Obamacare, The "exousia" factor, Romans admired Jesus, Giving up our right to choose, The original liberty, Who are the "wicked"?, BEing the government of God, The myth of government usurping, Kingdom of God was not part of the Roman "world", Preaching the full gospel, Functional families described, Modern preachers act like Pharisees, The Founding Fathers and Polybius, The bondage of Egypt, Getting the government we deserve, Seeking righteousness, USA = Rome, Finding God's way, What Jesus did - taught - lived, What will YOU do?, Home churches networked together, Apotheosis of George Washington, Ben Shapiro: An Orthodox Jew teaching Libertarians the Gospel.

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