10/30/10: The Coercive Church
Keys of the Kingdom - Podcast autorstwa Brother Gregory

What is the "Coercive Church"?, Who is part of it?, What are its precepts?, What is it missing?, Keys to reading the New Testament, Tithes, Social Welfare, Elders in HHC, Who loves you?, Culture at Christ's time, Corruption in the temple, Christ in the temple, Money changers, Mammon and Corban, Pure Religion, Another baptism, Who were the scribes?, Mark of the Beast, We need DOers, Even Satan believes in Jesus, Since when is it OK to take from your neighbors? - your preachers tell you it is!, How to repent, Does socialism work?, Are we re-living the Roman Empire?, Invisible bread lines - 40 million long, forgiveness parable, How forgiving are your ministers?, Early American churches, Forced contribution or Free Will offering?, How to solve the problem, This has worked before, Truth hurts - but not forever, Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness.