10/5/13: Broken Government
Keys of the Kingdom - Podcast autorstwa Brother Gregory

Government posturing examples; Thomas Payne's "Common Sense"; Bible translations/translators, the Hebrew language, and other potential roadblocks to understanding; The best thing to do; Volunteer fire departments and the essential part of volunteerism; "Potato Chip fluffing"; Volunteers volunteer (and like it); "I couldn't take it anymore"; The "listless dog" story – a lesson; Christ has the solution; The weightier matters; Contrary, contrary, contrary; What OT animal sacrifices were really about;You're gonna cry out. Is God gonna hear?; Included in what you do when you love; What's the problem, and what repentance means; Why CoREs, and how; Not been taught the truth; Let the lazy starve(?); Sabbath and debt; Nothing but your underwear; Just not love, or also cursing the children?; Different forms of "Adultery" (ways to adulterate/things that can be adulterated); We can just know; Why we can't afford to be unstable souls, and how to not be; Covetous practices; Gleaning, gleaning, gleaning; If you're on Social Security...; That's just the way it is (and nothing can be done about it); In earnest (and with others); Hard on folks, but showing real solutions; No man is the teacher; The most important work; Physical things (on a spiritual level); "Rooting" (being rooted) occurs by doing.