10/6/12: Live from the Burning Bush Festival
Keys of the Kingdom - Podcast autorstwa Brother Gregory

Kingdom of God – how works/how be a part; Early church's/Christians' beliefs; Deriving a word's meanings; World's vs God's ways; The "next" step away from kingdom – the first, being...; Rituals vs precepts (essence of); The shofar; Use of Shepard's rod and staff; KoG in Christ's day under Pharisees; Standing, in law of nations; Honor and conscience; How governments are established; How "penalties" meted out; Type/manner of gathering; Why congregate; Actual belief in Christ; Distinction between kingdoms (and where to draw the line); Porters/gatekeepers – duties of; Where you get to change terms of contracts; New World Order – news flash!; (Whole) gospel; Purpose of tithe; "Burden to neighbor" argument; Man having "no coat" - with a twist!; "Deserving" vs "undeserving" poor; Becoming part of the journey; Shunning, rebuking, repenting, and casting pearls; Rethinking our thinking; The "general assembly" included meaning; "Perks"; Single best way to propagate ordinances of Christ!; Holy "CoWs" vs "Sacred cows"; Keeping the commandments argument; Your rights; "Forgiving" means...; How to change/where to start; Rituals from precepts taboo; What you can figure out; About "charity"; Sacrifice is done away with; How to be righteous toward unrighteous mammon; Repenting and turning, and Stopping and starting; To really know what's really going on.