10/7/17: Scriptural Anarchy

Keys of the Kingdom - Podcast autorstwa Brother Gregory

Is Anarchy consistent with Scripture?, Or Chaos?, Church = government, 1 Sam 8, Biblical constitutions, Power corrupts, Saul's foolish thing, Bible about government, Family = God's created corporation, Elders, New Testament discrepancies, Revelation reveals God, Bible for government of, for and by people, Militia, Kingdom model, 400+ years of no tax in Israel, Duality of Hebrew, Commandments and Laws, Will God hear you?, Sabbath, Law that has been done away with, How to be humble, Usurped rights?, "Human" rights?, "Civil" rights, "Natural" rights, A plan by Robert Burk, Network = great idea, Tens/Hundreds/Thousands, Levite ministers, Tabernacles of the Congregation, Unhewn stone altars, Rich Christ made himself poor, Church registration?, Christ and Moses in agreement, Tithing, Money matters, East Timor and other holdouts, Money "exchanges", Just weights and measures, Social costs, Sureties for debt, Reversing mistakes, Protecting assets, Network of assistance, Kingdom of God is not a closed society, Compelled offerings kill spirit of giving, Will God come to your aid?, What's a "dollar"?, Inflation, Wealth in the Kingdom, Seven men, Join the Living Network.

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