11/16/13: State Favors
Keys of the Kingdom - Podcast autorstwa Brother Gregory

"...but if you entice them in with favors..."; GMOs, and the blinding effects of turning a blind eye; How we become lukewarm; Which is greater sin; gnihtyrevE is backwards!; Definition of "Religion" changes; Jesus gives blind man sight (to his eyes only?); Genetically modified Jesus too?; Have to come together; Draw nearer to God; Seek to find; Got religion?; The value of your "works"; What Early-Believers were doing; Dead Sea Scrolls; Not to ALL who asked; HUGE difference between sacrificing 50% - up to 51%; Missing some of God's characteristics/essence; Evil needs a host; Our children, and their children (so far); Social Security - in the red; They're insane!; How we're coveting; Live by faith; Our "love" vs the love of God; The "Termites" story; Bones jiggling in the desert; You probably already have "The Mark"; Physical manifests spiritual; Images of God; Why/how vile affections?; It's happening (already, here); Living by faith is living NOT by force; Be"on top" in KoG; "Made himself poor"; How love grows; As many as I love; Repent. Conform to God; Many hungry at the Sermon on the Mount; Times are good now; Learning to spell, "Austerity"; Return to family and possessions; That's the point; Not about sexuality; Adultery = coveting; NO ill to neighbor; Changed by choices; People... taking care of themselves; Sign on and get to know people; In the "raising the dead" business; Gonna need help ('cause stuff happens); "Believers" seek THIS, not THAT; Need people in the system; Learning to love; What you're doing today; "And"; The smell of pig; 'Right behind you, Lord"; Sow bountifully; "Jesting" defined/described; "Covetousness, which is idolatry"; ALL benefits from the Church; Spirit is everything (it works through the family); World government's welfare is never charity; Repent (turn 'round), seek KoG; Congregating together... seeking for others; " 'Korah' in sheep's clothing" example; Though they may say they believe; Humility and submission; Sharing coats and meat (freewill); This is the gospel.