11/16/19: 2 Corinthians 4

Keys of the Kingdom - Podcast autorstwa Brother Gregory

Coach Dave's article; Electing kings; Christ's solution; Constitution not a biblical document; Misunderstanding "Republic"; Democracy a bad thing; Freedom of Religion; 9-11 and missing Billions; Schools without History; Sweet savors and bad savors; Do you have a plan?; What is Jesus's plan?; Repeating Rome; Ministers preaching pabulum; Thinking you're saved; Essence of a republic; Wanting benefits at neighbor's expense is NOT Christian; The real destroyers of liberty; Addressing symptoms or the root?; Socialism breeds selfishism; Indoctrinated children; Doing the will of the Father; Antifa isn't; Impeachment circus; Who will follow John the Baptist?; Making the word of God TO effect; Modern savages; Do you know Christ's commands?; Light (God/Christ) vs darkness (less than that); Preaching less than the whole Christ; Altars of clay and stone; Gathering to serve; Corinthians were DOers; Having another king; What Gospel did Christ preach?; Love is a utility; If Christians followed Christ; Matt 6:33; Share life to strengthen the poor; Moses's republic; How courts become corrupt?; How to solve?; Moses' advice for constitutions; Spirit in the people is the problem; Repentance begets awakening; There is liberty!; Kingdom begins within you; Flows outward via tens, hundreds and thousands; Will change us; 2 Cor 4; Faint not - stick with it; Rampant dishonesty; Increase God's light in YOU; Blind guides; "Free" bread from the Temple; Paul as a servant; Jesus King AND High Priest; Revelation is the Rock; Miracle of loaves and fishes; Day-to-day caring; What Paul did; International network of charity; Sit with those who will sit with you; Thanksgiving = Eucharisto; Christ died that you MIGHT be saved; Christ, king of the Jews; Israelites = spiritual identity; Modren Church's false Christ; What is not seen?; Punch-stopping story; No salvation without repentance; From what?; THE problem is Christ is not in people; Forgive/love enemy; Is the love of Christ in you; Commend ourselves to everyone's conscience; Turn up the light - in YOU; Humility; Challenge to sit in Tens; Ministers connect the network; Emotion is NOT spirit; How can you not see?; Ways of Egypt; Worse today; Eyes on the Kingdom; Moses' intentions; Living altars; Call no man Father.

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