11/16/19: 2 Corinthians 5

Keys of the Kingdom - Podcast autorstwa Brother Gregory

"The Plan"; Democratic Hydra; Alternate media; Why are people so easily duped?; Benefits at expense of neighbor = wages of unrighteousness; Emperors didn't make Rome great; Republic - no rulers nor lawmakers; Senate = old men; Civil Law; Washington's 1st Executive Order; Pharisees vs Moses; Moses and Jesus teach the same thing; Corinthians already living Christ's "way"; Pilgrim's actual purpose; Righteous social interaction; Practicing Pure Religion; Forgiving our trespassers; Our burden; Being judged by our works; Not earning salvation; Judgement seat of Christ (Annointed); Listening to the Holy Spirit; Kingdom Daily Ministration; Awakening our conscience; "glory" - what is it?; Taking credit; World government will take from you; Love of Christ makes us humble; How we live for Christ?; Gather to serve others; See home church groups failing; School kids think socialism is good; How to become clothed in wedding garments; Rising in Christ; Tree of Knowledge temptation; Reciprocity of energy; Your best course of action; Taking eyes off government; Help one another via faith, hope and charity; Life profession; Clothing the naked brethren; Modern Church telling lies; You and your children are made merchandise; Christianity networked - sign up and awaken.

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