11/17/12: The Essential Precepts of a Free Government
Keys of the Kingdom - Podcast autorstwa Brother Gregory

Preaching and seeking Kingdom of God, and seeking His righteousness; The strong delusion; Ron Paul's farewell address; How governments are changed; Much talk 'bout government; Plan "B" is plan "A"; All governments theocratic; Fruits worthy of repentance; Seed and bloodline, or those doing; Where can you go; The weightier matters; Living by charity; International network; Usury examples; Sources of political problems; A 501(c)3's not supposed to talk about government, huh?; What's done as a matter of policy...; Another king, One Jesus; State in the hands of the people; How to not leave anyone behind; Aide provided to local hurricane victims; Gathering with others who care; From the beginning...; Agreement with unbelievers case study; Feeding bears; The fiber (character) of the people; 10 laws and 700(+/-) statues; Statutes vs rules; "I can not tell you the answer"; About Title 42 section 666 (and the red herring); Greek word for "Whole"; "Guilty, until proven innocent (that's the law you know); Mandatory support; The election of Sauls; Feeling righteous, or doing righteousness; A vast subject – effecting every aspect of your life; Bible's 'bout the living?; In the presence of God...; Where it's at!"; Another kind of revolutionary spirit; Contracts, covenants, and constitutions; Anointed anyone, lately?; The higher liberty; You can do what you want; Who are the wicked?; The practicality of setting pride aside; Who you know who'd risk their life for you?; Not used to the truth; "But, I'll miss my program"; Should be under tribute, or to not be under tribute...; Join us, and let's go back to Christ.