11/19/11: What is Money?

Keys of the Kingdom - Podcast autorstwa Brother Gregory

MUST-HEAR EPISODE! Righteous money?, Too big to fail, How to satisfy, What's the downside?, Cluelessness, Who is Jesus? What did Jesus DO?, "Accepting Jesus" = saying "LORD, LORD", Fruit of the Kingdom, What did Moses DO?, Singers, Contact Minister job description, Bondage in Egypt, Strengthing society, John the Baptist's way, Herod's way, Forced servant parable, The half-hearted gospel, Forgiving to be forgiven, A system without debt notes, Israel sold themselves into bondage, So have you!, Human resources, Mediums of exchange, Barter, Issuing notes, Liberty Dollar, Following the money, Commodity money, Money and Congregations, Israel's mistake, Judge not lest you be judged, Judgement vs Discernment, Who is your king?, Which King do you owe?, Who would an observer say is your king?, Justin the apologist - 140AD, Rebuilding the Kingdom, 1 Peter 2:13, Baptims of Christ = New system of government, For whom do you strive?, Kingdom welfare and unemployment?, Brotherhood of honorable men - Where are they?, Gentiles = other nations, Christianity is a nation!, Personam Jurisdiction, How you can be the kingdom, Kingdom taxation, The pecularity of Christ's people.

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