11/2/13: Goats and Sheep
Keys of the Kingdom - Podcast autorstwa Brother Gregory

Value of works; The rod and staff; Matt 25.32–46; Proclivity to Paul (but not all of Paul!); To whom Paul wrote; "This should be a real heads up"; What righteousness weighs; The force in/of nature; By their fruits...; If spirit of God growing in you...; Recognizing the brethren; To whom keys of kingdom given; "Giving" vs charity (know the difference); "Study" doesn't mean "to study"(?); Where stuff came from to feed poor, and how obtained; The brethren/the little flock; Value in "works"; What Christians supposed to be doing; Really "saved" - how to know; Effect of changes made to "Religion"; Effect of image of Israelite drawn by Pharisees; Understanding Paul; Real-life sheep hearing/not hearing their Shepherd's voice example; Why so many "goats" (and how not to be one); "Kingdom tracks" examples; Animals in some ancient scripts; Learning to lift heavy weights, and muscles of trust; Which "Father" praying to for daily bread (benefits); Baptism of kingdom/government of Jesus vs baptism of world's kingdoms/governments; Can't change course of history, however...; What Emperors were called; Is charity just about giving?; Purposes for gathering; Plutarch quote; Christianity 102; Need more monkeys; "Janice Roger Brown" quotes; "A guy told me that's how it works"; We're in bondage - y'know that, right?; Early-Christians burned, killed, maimed, tortured, etc. – for this reason; Not that they were doing everything right, but ...; Changing what we think or changing what we do (Jesus makes it clear); Going The Way of Christ? (Know for sure. [It's simple.]); Lower medical bills 1/3 to 1/2 (if seeking kingdom/righteousness of God); "Not So Secure Socialism" article; Start turning around and doing how we used to do it.