11/20/10: Two Nets

Keys of the Kingdom - Podcast autorstwa Brother Gregory

The edict of Diocletian, Rome: From republic to empire, As society changes, so changes government, "Welfare" in Rome, Quiris vs Romeus, Does God create government?, Who elected Saul?, What did God say about it?, Only God signed the 10 commandments, Power corrupts, Are you a human resource?, Honor your Father and Mother, Herod's Kingdom of Heaven, God's name isn't on the constitution, Sicking government on your neighbor, John the Baptist, Why are you here?, Being a true brother, Kingdom of Heaven is like a net cast into the sea, Recovery of early church property, Why fear Christians?, If sinners entice thee..., Justice in the Kingdom, So you want to do more..., Never being offended, No pedastels allowed, "Heal our Land" article on News with Views, The mark of the beast, HHC Books, Can't save yourself, Moses and Abraham saved many souls, The Shepherd's job.

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