11/23/19: 2 Corinthians 6

Keys of the Kingdom - Podcast autorstwa Brother Gregory

The keys you want!; Who determines you are a church?; Thomas Paine and 1 Samuel 8; Does God hear you?; "Come out" of what?; Evidence you are in commerce; Merchant law and Admiralty; Biblical take on "blame"; Existential threats; Global warming; Seeking salvation in vaccination; Today's new Christianity, new Christ, and new Religion; Moses' burning bush; "woke" is a joke; Pharoah's dream interpretation; What Peter knew; 2 Cor 6 - Becoming safe in a world lacking reason; Some truths hurt; Laying down your life daily; Paul and working together; Christ took the kingdom from the Pharisees; Ministry in Christ/Paul time; Who is Paul's "we"?; Communion; Following Christ; Intersectionality; Rights and God; Can you GO to Church?; Do you own your Car? House? Labor?; Who are "unbelievers"?; Boys in the girl's locker room; Social Security bankrupt?; Your only salvation; Wedding garments; Where's your Daily Ministration?; Can you save yourself?; Who are the "called out"?; Paul's minister school; Charity = sacrifice = offerings = love; Modern Church says OK to covet; Extending USA PATRIOT act; What Corinthians were doing that Modern Christians are not; Making covenants with their gods; Nicolaitans; No way to excuse covetous practices; Seeking the system of God; Key difference between God's government and the world; Paul's lists; Yoked by righteousness.

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