11/23/19: 2 Corinthians 7
Keys of the Kingdom - Podcast autorstwa Brother Gregory

Misused 2 Cor 6 quotes; Biting your neighbor; How to build a free society; Tyrant story; Who to help?; Pink milk story; "Glory" and honor; Working together; Government millionaires; Love/charity unfeigned; Charity vs force; Communion; Agreements with temple idols; Christian systems; What Christians were persecuted for; Athiesm?; 2 Cor 7; What God promised; Weaving the wedding garments; What early Christians didn't do (that the modern Christians do); Blood flow in the body; 1 Cor a harsh letter; Sorrow leading to repentance; "Fear and trembling" explained; Gun ownership in America; Depression/suicide in the Kingdom; Justin Martyr's apology (explanation); Modern Christians not DOing are not following Christ; Wages of unrighteousness; Actual message of Christ; Unemployment story; Get into His congregations; Measuring the temple; 2 Cor 8 - ministering to the saints; Who are the "saints"?; USA PATRIOT act; Anti-terrorist Act; What's the alternative?; Strong delusion affecting reality; Free speech abhored; Threatened by your speech; Groups more important than individuals?; Antifa are the fascists; Follow (the real) Christ.