11/24/12: More on Ron Paul's farewell speech

Keys of the Kingdom - Podcast autorstwa Brother Gregory

Possibly only "close to a real Christian" of modern political candidates; Way to liberty; How world today views itself, and why; The "face" of pride (and its appearances); Mathematical equation's proofs; Runaway inflation causes; Today's record-breaking bread-line number; Food rationing, brought to you by...; Sick people; "Responsibility" and the brain; Cost or love; "Click it, or ticket"; Raise your prices and go to... death!?; Thriving! (despite it all); Tar and feathers; "Bully pulpits"; An observation on Holland; HJR 192; Shifts of trust in US economy; Pure religion; Light bulbs; Coal and steel industries get a boost; The TSA; Cities' walls of stone, or "wall of 'stones;'" Why man refused to leave prison when pardoned; When "apathy" is an act of violence?; Take care; The politics of Christ; A specific way governments weaken folks; Doing without, and the habit of virtue; Good at service; Benefiting from one another – the miracle of sharing; Where's the important line on the border issue; Your prerogative – to give it up, or to maintain it; Through the black hole...; Working, and eating (or not, and not); And THE answer is...; Civil rights or civil privileges; Can there be free markets with debt-ism?; The "mining of wombs"; Loving actively and proactively; Salvation, and what to do about it; Why Paul made tents; What we've been doing, and not doing; Repent, and seek the kingdom of God and His righteousness.

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