11/28/20: Love in Action

Keys of the Kingdom - Podcast autorstwa Brother Gregory

Talk with those around you; Even if they don't agree; How do I get into the kingdom?; Will God hear you?; Hypnosis; Getting you to go along; Concentration camps and gulags; Inhumanity; Lie-ruses; Are you being manipulated?; An0maly's progression; What don't I see?; Judean "priests"; Promoting truth; Faith in vaccines; Good lies are full of truth; Replicate truth; Not those who *say* Lord, Lord, but the Doers; Actual forgiveness; Love and light; Love of desire; Do you want to see?; Loving your enemy; What you know that just ain't so; Love in action; Miracles around Christ; Why Christ came; Touched by the Holy Spirit; vs Being filled; Different than emotional experience; Unholy spirits; Husband and Wife - God's creation; Rulers and Leaders; No rulers allowed in God's kingdom; Turning up your light; Loving father and mother; Mask shaming; Immunity deniers; Modern Church posers; Mt 13:16; Seeing truth about yourself; Fertile ground in you?; Why Paul appealed; "Rhomaios"; Repentance = changing of your mind; Humility is key; Humiliation vs humbling; Resolving autoimmune issues via diet; Loving the journey; Gather in tens, hundreds and thousands; Evil's divisional intent; South African prophet?; Shooter mentality; Following the Spirit of the real Jesus; Mt 5:13; Embrace forgiveness and freedom; Nu 18:19; Levites = God's 2nd institution; Sanhedrin; Mk 9:49 - Salting sacrifice; Jn 9:39 - Judgement; Paul's appeal to Rome; Paul's legal terms; Acting upon what you're shown; Gathering with imperfection; Allowing choice; Mt 13:23; Fruit of the Holy Spirit; How to stop being merchandise; Deut 28:29; Fighting monsters; Righteous rule; Thieving, lying priests; Learning from Adam's faults; Binding and loosing; Mark of the Beast is to control others; Stop usurping God; Freedom of Religion; Pygmalion; Paine or Crockett?; Is forgiveness at you core?

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