11/30/13: The Beast, the Mark, and the Little Beasties
Keys of the Kingdom - Podcast autorstwa Brother Gregory

False prophets; Every country today socialist; Education in early 1900's; Do you own your property? (A widow's example); We're all walking saints, right? Right?!; False prophet fails – with examples; How do you know what you "know" is true; One of the "damnable heresies" from early on; If not Jesus, then nobody else; Kingdom is within; Mediatory agents of Christ; Since Enoch's day; Review: definition of "Religion"; Socialism takes an extra step (too far); Tendency of children with overly restrictive parents; "End of the 'world' " passages (what's being said); Effects of different relationships between ourselves/with our kind of government; Fascination with countdowns to destruction; "Fear not"; Were sheep ever to be piled and burnt on stone altars; If fear is there (comes from, instills in you, encourages it in others, etc. [at all]), then...; Living by "guarantees" contrasted with living only by faith (stop the bus!); Who do men say Jesus is; "Blessed art thou..." But why, how?; Keys; "Swear not"; Quickest way to change world; Allowing or disallowing that change; Spiritual journey in physical realm; A prophet, or a "for profit"; The bomb-shelter that didn't; By the spirit, moment by moment; "Be still and know"; Book of Revelation; "At hand"; Character of Christ; Role of the Beasties; Who's following Jesus (or Moses or Abraham for that matter); Can revelations come from both realms?; Are any demons still in hell today?; "Holy ghost was upon him"; For Gentiles too - from the beginning; Purpose for holy spirit; Only once we understand what Jesus and John the Baptist was doing; ALL social welfare - like 1st-Century Church; If all your church members couldn't get any benefits - starting right now, today...; Devil knows how to instill loyalty also; Who wrote Revelations; Seeing.