11/30/19: 2 Corinthians 9

Keys of the Kingdom - Podcast autorstwa Brother Gregory

666; The Mark of the Beast a chip?; Inside your hand?; Could it be Social Security Number?; Most today already have the mark; Image of the beast; Roman ruler antics; Read our stuff; Beware detractors; Roman tessera; Not to be like the other nations who exercise authority; Nor take their benefits; Paul's mission; Overnight Christian armies; Modern ear-tickling ministers; Proof of your love/charity; Who are the "saints"?; Religion explained; The distinction of Christianity; Boasting in vain; Bounty = logia; Government not in the charity business; Take and take and take and take; Dangers of socialism; Losing the kingdom; Making better ministers; Teamwork; Saving our buddies; Operating as if the government did not exist; Start NOW!; Learning to love, loving to strengthen; Charitible problem solvers; What made America great?; Surviving decline and fall; Legal definition of "church"; Allowing evil to self destruct; Christ's way is righteousness; Not saved by works, but they are evidence; Thanksgiving; Why gather?; What's the experiment?; What Paul was really doing; Who will want to see?; Your salvation; Imagining Christianity; Repent from covetousness.

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