11/5/11: Lord of Hosts
Keys of the Kingdom - Podcast autorstwa Brother Gregory

God's law on our hearts, Divine Revelation vs Private Interpretation, HHC Material diligently footnoted, Eusubius and the "bible", Constantine's Christianity, Finding truth in the bible, Quotes you never hear, Iron sharping iron, Forgiveness, Ear-tickling, Rejecting God, Doctrine of Christ => His Church, What "Saved by Faith" means, What about "fruits"?, Our synod is better than your synod?, What Did Jesus Do?, Cain's government, Who can name God?, To name Him or to know Him?, "Name" revealed, The "just believe" doctrine, The Fall Festival, Showing up for Christ, What about Pork?, Idolizing laws, Seeking a wife, Holy Matrimony vs Marriage, Dominion, Avoiding Charlatans, Today's problems, The buddy system - times ten, Feasts and festivals, How things work in the Kingdom, The "way".