11/9/13: Divers Lusts
Keys of the Kingdom - Podcast autorstwa Brother Gregory

"νόμος (nomos)" and similar words; Warlords in China; As Rome went...; It's right there in the O and NT; Who Modern-Christians are more like in history; It matters what Christ thinks you are; "Don't look behind that curtain of what Jesus said"; How we blaspheme against the Holy Spirit; Over-burdened camels, and differing forms of wealth; THE talent that must be developed; Wouldn't that be a cool tool... of the devil; Can't do it perfectly, BUT; Quotes (out of context), and (assumed) meanings of words; Some characteristics of real believers; Understand context to understand Paul; More than words; "Barking dogs" vs the Holy Spirit; I Cor 15:1-4; Delusion of Modern-Christians; "Charity" and "Love" (same thing +/-?); Can't just pick and choose; Help build Wiki site and preach gospel; What is "Saved believers"; Not about amounts; The true form of Judaism(!?); Is kingdom fully manifested?; What monks were like; Christians persecuted for being atheists; You were cast out if got baptism of Jesus; Who are the "brethren"; "Greatest destroyers of liberty..."; "Believers" occurs twice in NT; It's not a hard thing (if...); Christ's answer to whether many or few saved?; "He that doeth"; Who's Christ's brother; How the system works; Not able to do enough; Not perfect, but striving; Love your neighbor; Founded on The Rock?; Real faith = real change; Not true, don't stop; Still need grace; It's good news to know this (but beware); Bond or free... turn around... in our hearts; No respecter of persons; "Lusts" meaning; Long robes for SS office workers; Can be "effeminate men" too; Care - by means of love; Stuff we don't want to hear; Christ's example = Paul's example; Fruits of repentance; Peace be with you; God bless.