11/9/19: 2 Corinthians 2-3

Keys of the Kingdom - Podcast autorstwa Brother Gregory

Basics of the Gospel; Daily ministration of the saints; Global warming and the early Church; Schools as tools; Predictions of Ploybius and Plutarch; School without History; Idolatry; Pure Religion; Why were there so many sick near the temples?; Tax collectors; Today's gospel of a fake Christ; Tens, Hundreds and Thousands; What the Early Church did; Christian conflict; A sabbath story; Rampant socialism; Freewill offerings of agapa love; Which Jesus?; Corinthians already living Christ's way; Letter written to them, not you; Modern Church Pharisees; Repenting right now; Witchcraft; Depression and anti-depressants; What is the Kingdom of God and His righteousness?; Christ's network; You can't save yourself; Philio vs Agape; Difference between 1 Corinthians and 2 Corinthians; Paul moving aid from land to land; Blind man's parents; Another king, one Jesus; Prerequisite to being forgiven; How to find the kingdom; The still-small voice; Rebuking in love; Casting bread upon the waters; Did Christ have a school?; Assembling The Church; Eating the flesh of Christ; Or your neighbor?; Rightly dividing the bread; Ministration of death; How tyrants get and keep power; Beware feel-good charity; discussing "glory"; Does God change?; Seek guidance of the Holy Spirit; Many Romans saw honor in Christians; Who are the "brethren"?; The gospel is hidden to those who are lost.

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