12/1/12: Baby Steps toward the kingdom - or "Sinners Anonymous"

Keys of the Kingdom - Podcast autorstwa Brother Gregory

Kingdom of God – here, or there?; Words' different meanings, and private interpretations; That's your opinion; "Travelling Merchants"; Need to orient according to "the scheme"; Some digging of your own; Rabbit trails vs rabbit holes; Orient, then go... do!; AA/NA's 12 steps, and what KoG is all about; Is there a gray area; How to turn around; Sin addiction; The insidious plot; Underlying all addiction; Choices, alignments, direction, and our cause-and-effect universe; The self-will/self-preservation (or selfishness), and weaning, factors; Receiving children; In My name; No longer pigs; Brutalizing wives; Essene houses; Not far from the (which?) kingdom; NT "Preach" meanings; Get "clean" through...; Drunk on blood?; Overcoming non-sharing spirits – within (how to); Depression's cure; "As you should be"; Entitlements vs hope; Force and lust, or faith and love; Whited-sepulcher syndrome; Humility, submission, and plugging in; "Fearless moral inventory" and an ancient meditation; Dealing with dirt; Preemptive service; Spiritual bands; "Stinky love"; Prompt admissions of; "Persimmons" as a synecdoche, and what it represents; Your prayer(s); Repeat after me, "wait on the Lord"; Power against returning to your addiction(s); Tradition; Making aware of addictions; Abandoning others?; Not those who say...; CoREs, and their testimony; Connect to others/other CoREs to help; Many rabbit trail loops.

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