12/10/11: Authority, Liberty and Lies
Keys of the Kingdom - Podcast autorstwa Brother Gregory

MUST HEAR EPISODE! (Technical difficulties - but if you power through them there are many important nuggets to be had from listening.) The Kingdom of God - what it looks like and how to find it, Spiritual not intellectual, Israel = priest to ALL nations, Small children understand righteousness, Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, Who are disciples?, The "pedastel" trap, Government of God vs government of men, Spirit and Truth yet Christ was made flesh, Must change your heart - only Christ can do that, Never stop seeking, You don't need priests to tell you the way, Helpful to know what is NOT the way, The valley of the shadow of death, Ten commandments as guideposts, Christ's "weightier matters", Story of corrupt judge, Elected by corrupt people, Churches not involved with weightier matters, Society based on vice not virtue, Stand up for righteousness, Keeping your word, Righting Peter's mistake, Pure Religion, Strengthening charity, Infinite God = Infinite Journey, Modern church makes you think you're saved, Be thankful to serve, The journey takes courage, Rebuking in love, Walking together as individuals, Addictions, Counting the cost, Righteousness - an absolute standard, Romans 1:28, Barnabas example, Minister's responsibilities, Congregation's responsibilities, Holding property for Christ, Dem bones, "Kosmos", Pontius Pilate's judgment seat, The marriage contract, Relationship over contract, Virtues and vices.