12/12/20: 1 Thessalonians 1-3

Keys of the Kingdom - Podcast autorstwa Brother Gregory

Freedom of Religion; Author: Paul; Understanding what The Church was doing; Finding the root of the problem; Christ's new dominion; Working Christians; Misinterpreting Paul's theology; Fragment clues; 1 Thes friendly conversation; Governmental terminology; Are you sacrificing?; The Brethren; The Joy of the Holy Ghost; "follower" = imitator; Being a "patriot" is not enough; Herod's welfare state; No ear-tickling (flattering words); No filthy lucre; No benefits from Caesar; Where will you go?; Christ's kingship; Paul's examples; Parens patria; Samuel's warnings; Why you owe Caesar; The called out of God; People jealous of Christians; Latest stimulus package; Debt forgiveness?; Satan the adversary; Christ's "coming" is every day!; Blood flow in the body of Christ; Getting God to hear your prayer; Perfecting our faith.

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