12/14/13: A Detailed Study of the Mark of the Beast
Keys of the Kingdom - Podcast autorstwa Brother Gregory

"Keys" are... key; Repent-ING; Huck Finn (types) help Jim (types) - examples; Signs of courage; NOT blind faith; Trap, hunt, and destroy (and often subtle) nature of "The Beast"; Two fundamental natures of governments; Who authored "Revelation"; Application/prayer; And if you think that's OK...; Crime the church should be standing in the way of; Kings and Priests in own home; How this relates; Why go to church?; A small group does all the work; "Unspotted by 'world' "; Message in parable of "Talents"; Reason created "Living Network"; Conviction of heart vs ideas in head; Wood for the widow; Who/what is "Image of Beast" (does it matter for salvation); Apology written by a martyr; "Unstoppable" ministers; Can we figure this with our head knowledge (and it help); What speaking to; Can knowledge and words save us; What Paul preached may shock some; Understand spirit of things; Heads already cut off; A progressive thing; Common, tolerated; What's seen in America today; Civil wars...; Duty of office of Apotheos; "EBT" equivalent used in Rome; Name for "freedom" when attained without righteousness; "And" can be important; "λαμβάνω"(lambanō); Knowing of what to repent; You need that power; Is a chip required with Image of Beast?; It's not nice; Have to live by love; "In ('ἐπί' [epi]) your hand"; Forgiving and giving; Do applications we're told of "μέτοπον" (metopon) fit usage when originally written?; Basically, are we loving one another within our churches?; Meanings of Rev. 14 words, "Wrath of God," "Drink," "Torment," etc.; Test of our love, faith, hope and humility; Smoke goes up...if; 14:12.