12/14/19: 2 Corinthians 12 + 13

Keys of the Kingdom - Podcast autorstwa Brother Gregory

Bible inspired?; Translators inspired?; By whom?; Reader inspired?; Having a relationship with God; Two witnesses; Keeping commandments; News this week - irrational ignoring/excluding facts; Study: Churchill causes Bengal famine?; India has always had enough food for India; But for Castes and Greed; Selfishness kills!; Religion - learning to share; Pure Religion - without force; Love creating life; Christian club barred; Freedom From Religion organization - wrong definition of "religion"; Do not license sloth; Caging immigrant children?; How to not need walls; Modern churchgoers not practicing religion; Christianity 101 - rightly divide bread from house to house; Fallacies of Modern Christianity; Who's your father?; Whistleblowers for Christ; Coveting is an illicit activity; Sycophant = false accuser; Rely on commoners not doing their homework; Church built on revelation; Are you engaged in illicit activities?; Guys impersonating girls; Catering to others' delusions; Standing for truth; Covetousness against teachings of Christ, John the Baptist; Moses; Abraham…; Firearms in Virginia - sanctuary counties; Law vs legal system; Insufficient information to rationalize truth; Setting down strong delusion; Contracts, Do Christians have a right to self-defense; Are you a Real Christian?; Global Warming "science"; Volcanoes; New storms on Jupiter; Context is critical; 2 Cor 12 scene - Paul soliciting funds from Corinth into Church network to rightly divide; "Widows and Orphans" idiom = needy; Appointing 7 men; Christians would not pray to Caesar for benefits; Understanding context; Giving brings grace of God; Vaccination salvation; lawful = natural; Divine presence behind creation; Blaming God; Cause/effect; Choosing your direction; 1 Sam 8 - no kings; Covetousness is not righteousness; Public School is socialism; Changed by your choices; Helping fellowman with difficulties; Paul's mistake with Corinth; Disinheritance due to your illicit activities; lasciviousness; Tending to weightier matters; 2 Cor 13; Hating deeds of the Nicolaitans; Reprobate - unprincipled person; Look for proof; Being humble in Christ; Serving God by serving you; Reprobate? Christ not in you; Being perfected in Christ; Most depend on covetous practices; Living in peace; Creating offices of Christ; Holy kiss; Community = share common communion; Becoming disciples of Christ; No pedestals for pastors; Minister = servant; Giving and forgiving; Reprobate = not standing the test; Time to repent; Keep your word/agreements; Learning the ways of righteousness; Communicate via the network; Stoning; Altars of stone and clay; Libya since Kaddafi; Check your faith - accept the real Jesus; Do what He said!

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