12/14/19: Salty Salt
Keys of the Kingdom - Podcast autorstwa Brother Gregory

Why Paul visit Corinthians?; Early Christians decidely different than the rest of the world; Scolding Corinthians; What is Public Religion?; Persecuted Christians called "Athiests"?; Whistleblowers or psychophants; Oregon felons in office; Christ said not to be that way; Dead faith; Can't be a Christians and not follow Christ; Viginia proposed legislation to use National Guard as police; Caesar's big mistake; Conflict of law; Another Civil War?; Legal Income Tax; Turning the ship of state; Are you really following Christ; Your chosen path will alter you; Mt 5:13 - salt; Private interpretations and fools; Dry bones coming together; Pharisees lost their saltiness; The Living Network illustrated; Band of Brothers; Being perfect in Christ; Washing others' feet; People willing to believe lies; Be willing to see, face and accept the whole truth; Be changed in your hearts; What is your sin?; Do you have inheritance in the kingdom of God?; Are you listening?